Say it with flowers
Young men oftengive flowersto young women when they are in love. Thetraditionmay have come fromTurkey(土耳其).
In the 1700sinTurkey,it was quite popular for people in love to sendeach other baskets full of strange things.The baskets were sent secretly tothe person who was receiving it.Usually,an oldwoman who sold flowers or fruit on thestreet left the basket beside the doorof that person.
These baskets included many kinds of gifts: flowers, stones, candles,etc. Each thing in the basket had a special meaning.By working out the secret message hidden in each gift, the person whoreceived the basket began to understand little by little the true feelings of the person who sent it.
The idea of sending gifts oflove with secret meanings quickly spread toother countries.However, as time passed, only sending flowers remainedpopular.
Flowers told young ladies aboutthe feelings in the heart ofyoung men. Eachdifferent flower had a different meaning. For example, the flowers from anorange tree meant,“you arebeautiful and pure(纯洁).”Pink carnations (康乃馨) meant,“My love far you is great.”Yellow roses, on the other hand,meant,“I saw you with someone else.”
Many flower dictionarieswere made to help young people in love understand the meaning of theflowers they received However, not all of the dictionaries agreed on the meaning of each flower, so aperson had to be careful about the flowers they choseto send
By the 1880s,using flowers to send messages had become unpopular, and the more direct way of sending love lettersbegan. Today,flowersare still consideredalovely gift, but the meaning for each kind of flower has been lost.
恋爱中(be inlove)的年轻男士经常(often)送花(flower)给女友,这个传统(tradition)可能来自(comefrom)土耳其。
18世纪的土耳其,热恋中的人相互赠送装满奇怪(strange)物品的篮子,这种做法在当时很流行(popular)。篮子(basket)被秘密地(secretly)送给接收篮子的人(person)。通常(usually),由街上卖花或水果(fruit)的老婆婆把篮子送到那人的门旁边(besidethe door)。
这些篮子里包括(include)许多种礼物(manykinds of gifts):花、石头(stone)、蜡烛(candle)等。每样东西都有特殊的含义(specialmeaning)。篮子接收者想出(workout)每件物品所暗藏(hide)的信息(message),然后就开始渐渐地(littleby little)理解(understand)赠送者的真实感情(truefeelings)。
花把男士心(heart)中的感情传递给女士。每种花都有不同的含义。例如(for example),桔(orange)树上开的花表示,“你美丽又纯洁”。粉红色(pink)的康乃馨表示,“我对你的爱是热烈的”。另一方面(on the other hand),黄玫瑰(yellow rose)则意味着“我看见你和别人在一起”。
为了帮助恋爱中的年轻人理解他们收到的花所代表的含义,人们编制出很多关于花的词典(dictionary)。但是,对于每一种花的含义,不是所有的词典都能达成一致(agree on)。因此,人们在送花时必须谨慎选择(choose)。
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